The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

The Urgency to Safeguard Rural Education and Services

The recent closure of St Hilda's Primary School in Ampleforth marks a concerning trend for rural communities in North Yorkshire. As the 34th rural primary school to close in the county since 2018, the decision underscores the critical need to address the challenges facing rural education and services.

St Hilda's Primary School, once a vibrant educational hub, has seen its pupil numbers dwindle to just 13. The decision to close the school, despite a passionate campaign by local residents, reflects a broader issue affecting many rural areas: declining student enrolment and the consequent financial challenges. According to figures from the Department for Education, more rural primary schools have closed in North Yorkshire than in any other region of England over the past six years.

Head of school Faye Dodds-Aston shared the emotional toll of the closure, noting the sadness among both parents and students. Year 6 pupil Isobel expressed her disappointment, highlighting the increased travel burden for local families, with the nearest alternative school being a 15-minute drive away.

The closure of rural schools like St Hilda's can have far-reaching impacts. Councillor Annabel Wilkinson acknowledged the strong community support for the school but pointed out the difficulties in maintaining operations with low pupil numbers. Conversely, Councillor Steve Mason argued that the shortage of pupils might be tied to insufficient housing development in the area, suggesting that with adequate support, the school’s viability could be restored.

This situation illustrates a broader pattern described as the "domino effect" of school closures leading to diminished community resources, which further exacerbates the decline of rural areas.

The Need for Strategic Intervention

To halt this trend and support rural communities, RSN advocates for comprehensive strategies that address both educational and broader infrastructural needs in rural communities. This includes:

Improving Access to Education: Ensuring that rural children have access to quality education close to home is essential. This may involve investing in transportation and remote learning technologies to bridge the gap caused by school closures.

Boosting Economic and Housing Development: Encouraging affordable housing developments and economic opportunities in rural areas can help stabilise and increase the population, thereby supporting local schools and services.

Policy and Funding Support: RSN calls for rural-specific policies and fair funding allocations that recognise the unique challenges of rural communities. This includes integrating rural needs into national educational and economic planning frameworks.

Kerry Booth, Chief Executive, Rural Services Network

The closure of St Hilda's Primary School is a poignant reminder of the urgent need to safeguard education and services in rural areas. This closure is not just a loss for the children and families directly affected, but a critical indicator of the broader systemic issues facing rural communities today.

To genuinely win the rural vote, it is imperative that policymakers prioritise fair funding and targeted support for rural areas. Addressing the root causes of declining enrolments requires a comprehensive strategy. Our campaign for fair funding and rural support is not just about addressing current challenges but about laying a foundation for a vibrant, sustainable future for rural communities. By committing to these goals, we can ensure that rural areas are not only surviving but thriving, preserving their unique contributions to our national fabric and providing robust opportunities for future generations.


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