The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

APPG on Rural Services - Meeting Minutes

This is not an official website of Parliament. It has not been approved by either House. APPGs are informal groups of Parliamentarians with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed are those of the group.
The minutes of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Services can be found below:

12th March 2024
12th March 2024 Meeting Minutes

21st November 2023
21st November Briefing Notes

25th April 2023 - Discussion on off-grid gas heating in rural areas and rural bus services
25th April 2023 Meeting Minutes

28th February 2023 - AGM
28th February 2023 Meeting Minutes

6th December 2022 - Local Authority Funding in Rural Areas
6th December 2022 Meeting Minutes

19th July 2022 - Off-Gas Grid Heating in Rural Areas
19th July 2022 Meeting Minutes

- Associated Paper - Why heat pumps sum up all that is wrong with 'net zero'
- Associated Paper - Fuel Bank Heat Fund
- Associated Paper - RSN Briefing Note - Decarbonisation of Off Gas Grid Heating APPG Meeting 19 July 2022

28th February 2022 - Focus on Rural Social Care
28th February 2022 Meeting Minutes

- Associated Paper - A Report to the Rural Services All Party Parliamentary Group on - Towards the Social Care White Paper 2021: Social Care in a Rural Context
- Associated Paper - Rural Lens Review of Adult Social Care Reform White Paper

September 2021 - APPG Social Care Meeting
15th September 2021 Meeting Minutes

7 July 2021 - Focus on Rural Proofing Report
7 July 2021 Meeting Minutes

26 April 2021 - Focus on National Bus Strategy
26th April 2021 Meeting Minutes

27 January 2021 - Focus on Rural Housing and Changes to the Planning System
27th January 2021 Meeting Minutes

- Associated Paper - Briefing Note: Rural Implications of the Government’s response to Changes to the Planning System and the new Shared Ownership mode
- Associated Paper - Letter to Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP (Minister for Housing)
- Associated Paper - Letter of response from Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP (Minister for Housing)

3 November 2020
3rd November 2020 Meeting Minutes

- Associated paper - The Shared Rural Network - Improving Rural Connectivity
- Associated paper - Response to the DCMS Committee Broadband and the road to 5G report
- Associated paper - APPG letter to the Minister for Digital Infrastructure 'Delivering broadband to hard to reach rural areas'
- Associated paper - Response from the Minister for Digital Infrastructure to the letter 'Delivering broadband to hard to reach rural areas'

13 October 2020
13th October 2020 Meeting Minutes

22 September 2020
22nd September 2020 Meeting Minutes

- Associated paper - Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 - Submission Asks

14 July 2020
14th July 2020 Meeting Minutes

- Associated paper - Letter calling for a rural bus strategy
- Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Rural Bus Services: Commentary by First
- Associated paper - Attachment 2 (County APPG – Rural Bus Services – Rural Services Partnership Technical Appendix)
- Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Digital Connectivity draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 4 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Energy Infrastructure and Renewables draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 5 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Transport and access to jobs and opportunities draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 6 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Decarbonising Rural Communities and Economies draft chapter)

28 January 2020
28th January 2020 Meeting Minutes

07 May 2019
7th May 2019 Meeting Minutes

12th December 2018
12th December 2018 Meeting Minutes

11th September 2018
11th September 2018 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Community Catalysts Presentation)
Associated paper - Attachment 2 (Hampshire County Council Presentation)
Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Tackling Social Isolation in Rural Hampshire Project Report)
Associated paper - Attachment 4 (Summary of Responses - Adult Social Care Inquiry)
Associated paper - Attachment 5 (Data on Ageing Population Projections)

7th July 2018
7th July 2018 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Previous meeting minutes)
Associated paper - Attachment 2 (Draft Response Re Community Transport)
Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Green papers to APPG 03.07.18)
Associated paper - Attachment 4 (RSN Response to Joint Select Cttees re Adult Social Care Funding)

24th April 2018
- 24th April 2018 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Providing Community Transport Services in a Rural Area (Donna Atkinson - Little Green Bus)

30th January 2017
- 30th January 2017 Meeting Minutes

7th September 2017
- 7th September 2017 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Document on Transport (Nick Hubbard)

25th October 2016
- 25th October 2016 Meeting Minutes

15th June 2016
- 15th June 2016  Meeting Minutes

19th January 2016
- 19th January 2016 Meeting Minutes

17th November 2015
- 17th November 2015 Meeting Minutes

15th September 2015
- 15th September 2015 Meeting Minutes

Associated paperThe true cost of crime in rural areas (NRCN)
Associated paper - Working Together to beat Rural Crime (NFU Mutual)

9th June 2015
- 9th June 2015 Meeting Minutes

17th March 2015
- 17th March 2015 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Update on Rural Broadband
Associated paper -  (Glossary to the Broadband presentation)

28th October 2014
- 28th October 2014 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Rural Housing Alliance Allocations Report

1st July 2014
- 1st July 2014 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Presentation (by Dan Bates) on the current financial position relating to the Rural Fair Share campaign

3rd April 2014
- 3rd April 2014 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Rural Communities:Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2013–14

16th January 2014
- 16th January 2014 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Update on the Rural Health Network - January 2014
Associated paper - MPIG (minimum practice income guarantee) presentation

17th December 2013
- 17th December 2013 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - The Campaign for Better Transport’s “Buses in Crisis” report

12th November 2013
- 12th November 2013 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Key Rural Housing Issues stemming from discussion at the Rural Services APPG on 12 November 2013
Associated paper - Impact of the Spare Room Subsidy in Rural Areas: Report of Data from Survey of Members of the Rural Housing Alliance

8th October 2013
- 8th October 2013 Meeting Minutes

18th June 2013
- 18th June 2013 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Ofcom report
Associated paper - Spending Power Analysis

5th March 2013
- 5th March 2013 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Spending Power Analysis presentation

20th November 2012
- 20th November 2012 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Big Green Gap Year
Associated paper - Future of Rural Energy
Associated paper - Village Energy Audits
Associated paper - Big Green Gap Year Proposal

16th October 2012
- 16th October 2012 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - FSB Rural Report
Associated paper - Mike Cherry Short Biography
Associated paper - Vulnerability Index Results
Associated paper - Broadband Request to MP's

26th June 2012
- 26th June 2012 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - John Birtwislte Presentation
Associated paper - Appendix A
Associated paper - Appendix B
Associated paper - Appendix C

19th April 2012
- 19th April 2012 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - All Party Group on Rural Services

22nd November 2011
- 22nd November 2011 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Notts Healthcare NHS Trust Notes

25th October 2011
- 25th October 2011 Meeting Minutes

Associated paper - Stuart Davies Presentation


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