Food project calls for applications

SMALL-SCALE food producers are being invited to take part in a new rural initiative.

The Growing Livelihoods is looking to support five new groups taking an innovation and co-operation approach to creating viable livelihoods in farming.

The initiative involves the Carnegie UK Trust, Plunkett Foundation and the Land Settlement Association Charitable Trust.

It is working to create, test and promote new opportunities in smaller-scale food growing for those new to the sector - including young people or those seeking a new direction.

The programme has a particular focus on the use of co-operation and innovation to help create viable livelihoods in this sector.

Growing Livelihoods is currently supporting five pilot groups.

The application process to recruit five more pilot groups is open until 4 June 2015.

Each pilot will receive a grant of £6,500, access to specialist support and be part of a Growing Livelihoods Network where they can link up with other groups trying to achieve similar aims.

Carnegie senior project officer Gina Wilson said the pilot programme aimed to double in size.

"The more innovators we bring together; the more we all learn.

"This grant builds on the significant investment already made by the Carnegie UK Trust and allows us to test more ideas.

"We'll freely share information on what works and 'open-source' innovative and enterprising blueprints to help people across the UK create viable livelihoods."

Plunkett head of development and policy Mike Perry said the aim was to support the development of co-operative approaches that assisted smaller growers while helping to build a learning network.

Details on how to apply are available on Carnegie UK Trust's website.


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