Special week targets rural crime

POLICE, councillors and local residents have teamed for a week of action against rural crime in Northamptonshire.

The Rural Week of Action, which runs from 9-13 October, involves Corby Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team and Corby Borough Council Neighbourhood Management Team.

During the week, local residents across the borough's seven parishes will have the opportunity to speak to council and police officers.

    See also: Vehicles seized in crime crackdown

They are being encouraged to raise local concerns around crime and disorder and general neighbourhood issues.

Speed gun operations will be running across selected rural areas, as well as school education activity.

Joint council and police surgeries will also run across selected areas during the week.

Tom Beattie, leader of Corby Borough Council, said: "The Week of Action programme is important in terms of enabling both the Council and Police to undertake targeted work to tackle local priorities.

"It also allows us to link in with local schools to carry out activities around staying safe, which is particularly relevant this time of year as Bonfire and Halloween season approaches.

"We would urge residents within the rural areas of Corby to take the opportunity to speak to our officers and let us know about their concerns."

Police sergeant Scott Little said the week of action was an idea opportunity to publicise crime prevention work that had been happening over the last three months.

"Officers will be looking to engage with the public and give them a chance to have an impact on the next set of priorities," he said.

"Officers during the week will also be giving crime prevention advice, tackling speeding and also parking enforcement."


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