The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Shaping the Future of Transport in the East by 2050

In a significant development last week, Transport East successfully introduced the Regional Strategy Hub's Rural Mobility report in Parliament, marking a pivotal moment for rural communities in the East. This comprehensive strategy document, outlines a forward-thinking approach to transform transport connections, driving long-term economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life in the East up to 2050.

Transport East's comprehensive plan emerges from an extensive consultation process, reflecting a collective aspiration for a connected, sustainable, and thriving rural East. The strategy prioritises decarbonising transport, connecting growing places, revitalising coastal and rural communities, and enhancing global gateways. It's designed not just for the present but to steer us towards a prosperous, net-zero future.

Decarbonising Transport
With 42% of the region's carbon emissions stemming from transport, there's a pressing need for change. The strategy outlines ambitious steps to transition to cleaner, greener transport modes, contributing significantly to our national net-zero goals and improving air quality for our communities.

Connecting the Dots
At its heart, the strategy aims to bridge the divide between our fastest-growing places and rural areas. Improved connectivity means better access to jobs, healthcare, education, and leisure for rural residents, fostering a more integrated, vibrant regional economy.

Empowering Coastal and Rural Communities
Coastal and rural areas are not just idyllic retreats but vital economic zones. The strategy envisages a sustainable, energy-efficient future for these communities, supporting local industries and making these areas more accessible and attractive to visitors all year round.

Opening Global Gateways
Enhanced connectivity to ports and airports is crucial for putting UK businesses on the global map. By improving access to international markets, the strategy aims to bolster the economy, creating more opportunities for investment and growth in our rural and coastal regions.

Kerry Booth, Chief Executive, Rural Services Network:

"As we navigate the complexities of rural mobility and strive for a future that is both sustainable and inclusive, the Transport East strategy stands as an excellent model of innovation and forward-thinking. By prioritising decarbonisation, enhancing connectivity, invigorating our coastal and rural communities, and unlocking the potential of our international gateways, we are not only addressing today's challenges but also paving the way for tomorrow's opportunities. The Rural Services Network supports this comprehensive approach and remains committed to supporting initiatives that ensure rural areas are not left behind but are instead empowered to thrive in an ever-evolving transportation landscape."



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