Rural Review of the Queen’s Speech 2021

At the State Opening of Parliament on Tuesday 11 May, the Government, through the Queen’s Speech, set out its priorities and programme for the coming session including the legislation it intends to pass. The Queen’s Speech states the programme it sets out will deliver a pandemic recovery that makes the UK stronger, healthier and more prosperous.

The Rural Services Network has carefully reviewed the contents of the Queen’s Speech from a rural perspective and produced a Rural Lens Review providing detailed narrative and suggested policy asks to ensure rural areas are not left behind and are equipped to realise their full potential. 

Click here to read the Rural Lens Review – Queen’s Speech 2021 and find out more about Government’s plans and our asks for:

  • Public Finances
  • Policing
  • Health and Care
  • Connectivity
  • Transport
  • Skills and Education
  • Economy
  • Housing
  • Net Zero


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