The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Rural Health Conference 2016

“Challenging Times – A new Dimension?”
Working together to deliver effective rural health services

Friday 29th January 2016
House of Lords, London

For a detailed report on the conference click here

10:30am - Welcome and Introduction to the Day

Conference Chair, Baroness Byford DBE DL

10:40am - Keynote Address: Achieving excellence in promoting public health across rural communities

Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive, Public Health England

11:05am - The Cumbria Rural Health Forum - a unique partnership of public, private and voluntary sector professionals exploring 'what makes good rural health – and can digital technologies help?

Professor Alison Marshall, University of Cumbria

Download the presentation for this session here

11:30am - Transforming End of Life Care for rural communities – a district general hospital's experience in Yorkshire

Dr Linda Wilson, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

Download the presentation for this session here

11:55am - Questions and discussions on Session 1
2:30pm - Technology Enabled Health and Social Care in Rural Areas

Professor Ray Jones, University of Plymouth

Download the presentation for this session here

12:55pm - Research & Innovation in E-Wellbeing; how technology can help support rural wellbeing

Panel discussion lead by Professor Lora Fleming – University of Exeter with other colleagues on a panel for a fully interactive session:
- Emma Bland - University of Exeter Medical School
- Mark England - Head of Technical Services, Coastline Housing Ltd
- Tracey Roose - Chief Executive, Age UK Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and Director of Integration, NHS Kernow

1:20pm - Integrated Housing, Health and Social Care – a case study in excellence – Pencric, Staffordshire

Ursula Bennion, Chief Executive, Trent and Dove Housing Association & Charlie Riley, Assistant Director of Development, Housing Plus

Download the presentation for this session here

1:45pm - 'Living Well'

Tracey Roose, Chief Executive, Age UK Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and Director of Integration, NHS Kernow

Download the presentation for this session here

2:10pm - Questions and discussion on Session 2
2:20pm - Summary and next steps – Graham Biggs, Chief Executive Officer, Rural Services Network

Graham Biggs Chief Executive Officer, Rural Services Network

2:30pm - Conference Closes

To download the feedback for the conference click here


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