Rural Coalition letter published - Tories’ rural policies

A letter from the Rt Rev Alan Smith (Bishop of St Albans and President, Rural Coalition) has been published in the Telegraph on Monday 8th August

The Rural Services Network is part of The Rural Coalition, an alliance of 13 national rural organisations who subscribe to a vision for a living and working countryside.

A copy of the letter is shown below:

Policy affecting rural areas is too often focused on farming and tourism. While both make an important economic contribution, wider rural economies and businesses are overlooked. Their success is hampered by lack of access to skilled labour, training and funding.

Both Conservative leadership candidates have visited the West Country and pledged to “champion the rural way of life”. As they approach the next round of hustings, the Rural Coalition – an alliance of 13 national organisations committed to a living, working countryside – asks them to commit themselves to ensuring that rural communities and businesses receive the attention they deserve.

Rural areas make a vital contribution to the nation’s economic and social well-being, but many are held back by limited opportunities (including access to skills and post-16 education), poor access to health and social services, a lack of affordable housing and higher costs of living, all exacerbated by poor or non-existent public transport. Despite offering solutions for the transition to net zero, rural areas struggle with restricted infrastructure, especially for energy, broadband and mobile phone coverage.

Although home to 9.7 million people, rural areas receive more than 35 per cent less per head in local government funding, and residents pay 20 per cent more in council tax for fewer services. This disparity must be addressed.

We challenge the new prime minister to set out a programme of action for rural areas that unlocks their potential and puts them at the heart of the nation’s future prosperity.

Full article:

The Telegraph - Letters (8th August 2022)
* A subscription to the Telegraph is needed to view the full article

Rural Coalition members include:


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