The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

24/02/2021 - RSN Seminar: Rural Transport

Date: 24th February 2021
Subject: Rural Transport
Chair: Kerry Booth, Assistant Chief Executive, Rural Services Network
- To download the Agenda for this seminar click here
- To download the Attendance and Apologies for this seminar click here
- To download the Learning Outcomes from this seminar click here


  • Colin Walker, Transportation Services Group Manager at East Riding of Yorkshire Council
    "De Provocatione Rusticus Onerariis"
    (trans. Latin “The Rural Transport Challenge”)
    - Download the presentation here

- Download the information presented on the day here

Learning Outcomes:
5 Key Learning Points
  • Whole network approach - public, community and shared transport, alongside and connected with active travel?.
  • Collaboration in commissioning and provision can combine and meet needs in a better, more integrated way?.
  • Policymakers must be open-minded about where innovation may be found and how it can be tested and supported?.
  • The need for a new mind-set and language based on rural mobility as a necessary catalyst for positive social development and green economic growth. ?
  • Properly researched and targeted transport is often the most cost-effective option.
Any Other Key Outcomes from the Seminar

Rural transport has been a sticking plaster approach to date with pilots and programmes. The Rural Services Network is calling upon government with a series of policy asks to improve rural transport and access to services. Visit to find out more.


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