The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

12/10/2020 - RSN Rural Economy Group Meeting

Date: 12th October 2020  
Subject: Rural Economy
Chair: Councillor Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council
Hosted: Online Event via Zoom

- To download the agenda and papers associated for this meeting, click here

- To download a copy of these learning outcomes click here

- To download a copy of the attendance and apologies lists click here

Learning Outcomes

Key issues highlighted by speakers

Professor Sharon Green, University of Lincolnshire
  • To assess what skills we will need in the future, we need to know what technology will be like
  • Covid-19 has changed the way business works – some of that change will stay
  • There are some barriers to apprenticeships – rural transport being a key issue
  • Pace of change is relentless; how do we ensure workers of future have the right skills?
  • Do companies and individuals fully understand the benefits of apprenticeships
  • Vocational education holds the key with hands on learning being critical

Download the presentation here

David Rodda MBE, Cornwall Council
  • 96% increase in claims for Universal Credit in Cornwall / 1 in 3 jobs is in the visitor economy in Cornwall
  • Impact is not uniform across the county which means policy response needs specific considerations
  • Recovery Plan has been about getting money to companies as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • Cornwall have a wide range of statistics so that they know what is happening in their area with up to date statistics focusing on the labour market and local economies
  • Have now developed plan for moving forward focusing on Respond, Reopen, Recover, Renew

Download the presentation here

Graham Biggs, Rural Services Network
  • Revitalising Rural Campaign due to be launched in Autumn articulating policy asks of Government in a number of key areas
  • Extensive consultation with membership of RSN
  • 16 key areas, should not be considered in isolation as different elements are vital to ensure sustainable rural communities
  • Document sets out the national policy context for each area along with key asks, sections most relevant to the Rural Economy include:
    • UK Shared Prosperity Fund
    • Local Enterprise Partnerships and Local Industrial strategies
    • Business Advice & Guidance

Download the presentation here

Saralyn Chaloner, Institute of Economic Development
  • Set out the Rural Opportunities Toolkit which is due to be launched in coming months
  • Aimed at uncovering issues preventing rural economies from gaining full recognition
  • Outlines megatrends and also identifies steps that can be taken to ensure rural economies remain in the economic narrative
  • Sets out different stages in the toolkit and information about how to collate the evidence base

Download the presentation here


Local Authority
Jobs density
Local Authority
Working age population
Local Authority
Private/public sector employment


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