The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

RSN Rural Conference 2017

"The Infrastructure of Success - New Routes to Economic Growth"


11:30 am - Arrival and Registration (Tea and Coffee available)
11:50am - Welcome and Introduction (Cecilia Motley and Graham Biggs)
12:00pm - Panel Discussion:

- Professor John Shepherd (Professor of Geography (Emeritus) at Birkbeck College University of London)
- Alan Spedding (Rusource)  - Adrian Banford (Rural Animateur Cumbria)
- Councillor Hazel Brand (Rural Champion at Bassetlaw District Council) 
- James Derounian (Principal Lecturer in Countryside Planning at the University of Gloucestershire

13:00pm - Lunch
14:00pm - Measuring the Impact of Rural Economic Development

Claire Watts (External Grants and Funding Manager from East Riding of Yorkshire Council)
- Download the presentation here

14:45pm - Local Government Finance and The Implications of the Business Rates Regime for Rural Areas

Dan Bates (Pixel Financial Management)
- Download the presentation here

15:30pm - Local Authority perspective on Local Government Finance – Business Rates Pilot

Anthony Humphreys  (Cornwall Council)
- Download the presentation here

16:00pm - Summing up key points from the first day (Ivan Annibal)
18:30pm - Evening Drinks Reception - Queens Hotel, Cheltenham

Alice Grimes (Big Lottery)
- Download the presentation here

DAY  2

9:30am - Arrival and Registration (Tea and Coffee available)
9:50am - Welcome and Introduction (Cecilia Motley and Graham Biggs)
Plenary 1 - People, Place and Prosperity
10:05am - The Role of Landscape and the Environment in Shaping Distinctive Local Economies

Helen Noble (CEO of Pennine Prospects)
- Download the presentation here

10:50am - The Rural Economy

Dr Ruth McAreavey (Newcastle University)
- Download the Presentation here

11:40am - The Road to Somewhere - Understanding our Divided Communities

David Goodhart (Policy Exchange)
- Download the presentation here A think piece by Dr Gary Bosworth (University of Lincoln) on David Goodhart's book "The Road to Somewhere; The new tribes shaping British politics" (in light of his presentation to the RSN conference in Cheltenham) can be viewed here

12:10pm - Plenary Panel Q&A
12:40pm - Workshop 1 - Hints and Tips for Rural Growth

(Delegates choose 2 workshops from the choices below - each workshop is repeated in the second workshop session at 14:05 pm)

A - Food Enterprise Zones in Practice (Martin Collison - Collison and Associates)
- Download the presentation here

B - Your Village in 2027 – From Drone Deliveries to Driverless Cars (Daniel Heery - Cybermoor)
- Download the presentation here
(For the version with the embedded videos please contact us)

C - Roads and Regeneration (Richard Wills Executive Director for Environment and Economy - Lincolnshire County Council)
- Download the presentation here

13:15pm - Lunch
14:05pm - Workshop 2 - Hints and Tips for Rural Growth

(Delegates attend their second choice of workshop from the list provided above)

Plenary 2 - The Big Picture
15:00pm - Our Sustainable Approach to Rural Economic Development

Charlotte Wright (Chief Executive Officer of Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Download the presentation here

15:25pm - Managing local flood risks in rural areas: experiences of Lead Local Flood Authorities

Hannah Burgess (Flood Risk Manager - Staffordshire County Council)
- Download the presentation here

15:50pm  - Plenary Panel Q&A
16:05pm  - Summing Up and Close (Cecilia Motley)


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