The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Rural Housing Conference 2015

Date: Thursday 9 July
Venue: House of Lords
Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm


Following the success of the RURAL HOUSING ALLIANCE inaugural 2014 conference in Cheltenham, the 2015 conference aims to highlight the issues and potential solutions for rural affordable housing at the heart of Westminster. This was a fantastic opportunity to hear and debate some of the key problems and answers to the rural housing question.

Programme and Presentations:
10:00am - Introduction

- Peter Moore, Chair Rural Housing Alliance

10:05am - Setting the scene: Rural Proofing in 2015

- Lord Cameron of Dillington, Conference Chair

10:20am - The Facts: why does rural housing need to be targeted?

- Mark Shucksmith, Newcastle University
Click here to download the accompanying presentation

10:40am - The Impacts: Real life stories

- Exmoor Young Voices

10:55am - The Issues for national policy

The Rural Housing Policy Review
- Margaret Clark, Hastoe Group
Click here to download the accompanying presentation

The issues that got away - including right to buy and local connection
- Martin Collett, English Rural Housing Association
Click here to download the accompanying presentation

Learning from rural areas
- Andy Lloyd, Cumbria Rural Housing Trust
Click here to download the accompanying presentation

11:40am - Rural Housing - A Policy Perspective

- Gill Payne, Director Policy & External Affairs, National Housing Federation 
Click here to download the presentation

11:55am - The Solutions: Panel discussion

Michael Buchanan, BBC Social Affairs correspondent

"In cash-strapped times, how can we afford to meet rural housing needs?"

- Gill Payne, National Housing Federation
- Sarah Davis, Chartered Institute of Housing
- Colin Molton, Homes and Communities Agency
- Senior civil servant, Department for Communities and Local Government (to be confirmed)
- Peter Moore, Rural Housing Alliance

12:40pm - Concluding remarks 

- Cecilia Motley, Chair Rural Services Network

12:45pm - Refreshments and networking

- Canapés and drinks will be available in the River Room

2:00pm - Conference close


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