The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Launch of Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision

The Rural Services Networks was delighted to launch it’s campaign Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision

The campaign calls on Government to fairly fund rural areas and to ensure that Government policies are developed and implemented in ways which take into account the particular needs of rural communities.

Taking place on Monday 1st March, the Launch Event of Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision was chaired by Philip Dunne MP, (Chair of the Rural Services APPG) and focused on three key issues highlighted in the campaign that are vital to rural areas: Rural Transport, Affordable Rural Housing and the Rural Economy.  

The Rural Transport session was chaired by Rob Butler MP and featured:

  • John Birtwistle, First Group
  • Cllr Keith Little, Cabinet Member responsible for Transport, Cumbria Council
  • Bill Freeman, Community Transport Association

The Rural Affordable Housing session was chaired by Ed Buscall, Chair of Hastoe Group and featured:

  • Lord Best, Chair of the Affordable Housing Commission
  • Monica Burns, National Housing Federation

The Rural Economies session was chaired by Lord Foster of Bath and featured:

  • Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director at the Institute of Economic Development
  • Professor Jeremy Phillipson, NICRE
  • Richard Wainer, Policy and Public Affairs Director, BT Group
  • Jessie Hamshar, Strategy & Engagement Service Director at Cornwall Council and Strategic Director at Britain’s Leading Edge

The event was aimed at Parliamentarians and key decision makers in the Civil Service, along with contacts in the media. 

Further details about the event will be available in the Rural Bulletin next week.

The Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision campaign sets out a number of key asks of government in 14 policy areas as below:

  • Rural Fair Funding
  • Rural Digital Connectivity
  • Rural Transport and Access to Services
  • Access to Rural Health and Care Services
  • Rural Schools and Community Facilities
  • Rural Economies
  • Rural Further Education, Training and Skills
  • Parish Councils and Rural Community Action
  • Rural Planning
  • Rural Town Centres and High Streets
  • Availability of Rural Affordable Housing
  • Managing an Older Rural Population
  • Sustainable Farming and Land Management
  • Decarbonising Rural Communities and Economies

Documents for the campaign can be accessed at this link:


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