Key role for local government vital to vaccination rollout

The Municipal Journal reports on a recent Local Government Association call for councils to act alongside the NHS on vaccine distribution

The report argues that national bodies need to listen to local and regional knowledge, skills and capacity to encourage local delivery of vaccine take-up and ensure rural residents receive fair access to the vaccine.

Recent reports estimate that around 20 percent of the population are saying they will refuse to have the vaccine.  

Councils can therefore play an important role in providing a unique access to key local assets and infrastructure which will build trust with residents who are sceptical of central government, and in turn enable the fast rollout.

The report maintains that the role of local government through its staff, elected representatives and influencers should be fully utilised as it is likely to provide the key to ‘both an efficient rollout and a quicker route to normality’.

Full article:

The Municipal Journal - Key role for local government vital to vaccination rollout


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