The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Discover 'MedTech For Beginners': The Essential Podcast for Health Tech Innovators

The transformation of the healthcare sector through technology is nothing short of revolutionary. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a health professional, or simply someone curious about the evolving landscape of medical technologies, understanding the intricacies of MedTech is crucial. Thankfully, there's a podcast that does just that – and it's right at your fingertips.

Introducing "MedTech For Beginners", a free weekly podcast by Pym's Consultancy Limited. Designed to demystify the world of medical technologies, this podcast is your passport to staying updated on the latest trends, breakthroughs, and insights.

Why "MedTech For Beginners"?

  1. Diverse Expert Perspectives: Every week, "MedTech For Beginners" features in-depth interviews with a myriad of experts – from entrepreneurs who've transformed their visions into successful startups, to stakeholders navigating the complex terrains of UK medical technologies. It's a rich tapestry of insights, experiences, and best practices – all in one place.
  2. Tailored For All: Regardless of your expertise level in the MedTech realm, this podcast caters to everyone. Its beginner-friendly approach ensures that even those new to the field can grasp complex concepts, while seasoned professionals can find value in the nuanced discussions and expert viewpoints.
  3. UK-Centric Content: While the world of medical technology is vast and global, there's something special about understanding the dynamics within the UK. This podcast offers a deep dive into UK's unique MedTech ecosystem, providing listeners with local insights that are often overlooked in broader discussions.
  4. Consistent Updates: The healthcare tech world evolves at breakneck speed. "MedTech For Beginners" ensures you're never out of the loop, with fresh content being rolled out every week. It's your regular dose of inspiration, knowledge, and innovation.

Perfect for Rural Audiences:

While the "MedTech For Beginners" podcast is a treasure trove for anyone interested in medical technologies, it holds specific relevance for our rural readership in The Spotlight e-bulletin. Why?

MedTech is not just for bustling urban hubs. Innovations in health and care technology have transformative potential for rural communities. They can bridge geographical distances, provide access to specialised care, and even combat local healthcare challenges. By tuning into this podcast, stakeholders in rural areas can identify opportunities, adapt best practices, and potentially pave the way for tech-driven healthcare solutions tailored for their unique needs.

Tune In Now!

So, if you're keen on getting a front-row seat to the thrilling world of medical technologies, all you need is a device and a bit of curiosity. Dive into "MedTech For Beginners" and embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and inspiration.

Whether you're looking to integrate technology into healthcare solutions, seeking inspiration for your next MedTech venture, or simply aiming to stay updated – Pym's Consultancy Limited has you covered. Join the growing community of listeners, be a part of the MedTech revolution, and witness how technology is reshaping the very fabric of healthcare. Don't miss out!

Also available on all UK podcast platforms.


Rural Service Partnership
Rural Fair Funding Campaign
Rural Service Partnership
Conference Spotlight: Rural Health & Care
Rural Service Partnership
The Impact of Local Area Coordination


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