The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

CSR – What matters to rural?

The Rural Services Network is gathering information from it’s member organisations on their key policy asks for the Comprehensive Spending Review

The Government is currently looking for representations for CSR, due to be published in Autumn 2020 which will set out the Government’s spending plans for the next three years.  Given the impact COVID-19 has had on the economy, the Chancellor has been clear there will need to be tough choices in other areas of spending at the review.

Our priority at the RSN, as the national champion for rural areas, is to ensure that the rural voice is represented in this process.

We recently consulted our members as part of our Revitalising Rural Campaign and so are using all of this feedback to help shape our response, however, if any members of RSN would like to make any futher comments, please complete the survey at the following link:


In completing the survey in relation to rural areas, you may wish to consider the following priorities of the Comprehensive Spending Review:

  • Strengthening the UK’s economic recovery from COVID-19 by prioritising jobs and skills
  • Levelling up economic opportunity across all nations and regions of the country by investing in infrastructure, innovation and people – thus closing the gap with our competitors by spreading opportunity, maximising productivity and improving the value add of each hour worked
  • Improving outcomes in public services, including supporting the NHS and taking steps to cut crime and ensure every young person receives a superb education
  • Making the UK a scientific superpower, including leading in the development of technologies that will support the government’s ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050
  • Strengthening the UK’s place in the world
  • Improving the management and delivery of our commitments, ensuring that all departments have the appropriate structures and processes in place to deliver their outcomes and commitments on time and within budget

Graham Biggs, CX of the RSN said

“It’s vital that the needs of rural communities are heard by the Government as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review, and that rural communities are not left behind in funding allocations and policy development.”


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