The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Rural Health Conference 2012

"Challenging Times - Working together to deliver effective rural health services"

To download the programme for this event, click here 
To download the speakers biographies, click here

9.30am - Welcome and Introductions

- Nick Daibell, General Manager Adult Mental Health, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

9.35am - Chair

- Baroness Hazel Byford, DBE, Secretary, Rural Services All Party Parliamentary Group

9.45am - Keynote Address (Click here for this presentation)

- Professor Mike Cooke CBE, Chief Executive, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

10.00am - Public Health in Pastures New – Rurality, Health and Wellbeing in Devon (Click here for this presentation)

- Dr Virginia Pearson, Director of Public Health – NHS Devon and Devon County Council

10.20am - Rural Resilience in Healthcare: Using a Whole System Approach to Support Rural Health Services (Click here for this presentation)

- Professor Chris Packham, Associate Medical Director, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

10.35am - Exhibition, Refreshments and Networking
11.05am - Working Together to Sustain the Small, Remote District General Hospital

- Dr Deb Lee, Chair, Remote & Rural Special Interest Group, Consultant and Paediatrician, West Cumberland Hospital, North Cumbria University Hospital Trust

11.25am - Integrating Prevention and Networks within a Rural Model of Care (Click here for this presentation)

- Chris Slavin, Chief Executive, and Dr Julie Hall, Director of Nursing and Operations, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

11.45am - Question and Answer Session for Morning Speakers
12.15pm - Lunch – Networking and Exhibition Viewing
1.15pm - Chair - Graham Stuart MP and Chair, Rural Services All Party Parliamentary Group
1.30pm - 2.20pm   Workshop Sessions:
Gloucestershire Village Agents

- Kate Darch, Village and Community Agents Manager, Gloucestershire Rural

Community Council Rural Resourcing (Click here for this presentation)

- Professor Sheena Asthana, Fair Shares for Rural Populations

Rural Proofing  (Click here for this presentation. Click here for this presentation with Audrey Roy's notes attached)

-  Audrey Roy, Policy Associate of the Institute of Rural Health

Workforce Issues (Click here for this presentation)

- Professor Rachel Munton, Director, CLAHRC (Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care)

Police and Health Service Partnership Working  (Click here for this presentation)

-  Andy Clarke, T/Chief Inspector, Mansfield/Ashfield Community Safety Partnership Area and Darren Eaton, Clinical Lead

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)

-  Rural Data Analysis – Assistance in Planning and Developing Services – Nick Chase, Director of Policy and Research

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

- Co-responding Scheme and Linking with the Health Sector - Neil Gibbins, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

Investing in Rurality Together (Click here for the 'Investing in Rurality Together' presentation. Click here for the 'Fibre broadband: the legacy starts today' presentation)

- BT

2.20pm - 2.40pm   Networking and Exhibition Viewing
2.40pm - 3.30pm   Workshop Sessions Repeated
3.40pm - Conference Summary and Next Steps – Panel Discussion

- Professor Mike Cooke CBE, Chief Executive, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

- Graham Biggs MBE, Chief Executive, Rural Service Network

- Professor Sheena Asthana, Fair Shares for Rural Populations

4.00pm   Conference Closes

A Survey Monkey exercise carried out amongst the conference delegates has been used to establish priorities and interests for an initial work programme for the Rural Health Network. To view the results of this survey click here


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