Apply now for a Churchill Fellowship focussed on rural communities

Are you passionate about strengthening rural communities? Would you like to explore new ideas and different approaches from around the world to achieve this? 

A Churchill Fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead the change you want to see.

They will fund you to spend up to two months learning from the innovators in your field anywhere in the world, in person or online.

Then they will help you to share your ideas and inspire change across the UK.

Applications are now open for Churchill Fellowships focussed on rural communities. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover new approaches and best practice in other countries to help strengthen rural life in all its aspects in the UK.

Applications can be made via their website until 5pm on 22 November for projects to begin from August 2023.

They will be seeking applications that explore multidisciplinary approaches for strengthening rural life in all its aspects.

These might aim, for example, to invigorate transport networks, reimagine housing, employment and enterprise, or improve access to education, culture and healthcare.

You can apply here


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