Walking & Cycling Statistics

The Government has an ambition for increased levels of activity both through cycling and walking.  The following analyses take a look at statistics from the Department for Transport, and shows the position for a selected authority area relative to similar authority types.  The statistics are based on survey results of sampled populations from each authority area.

District Analyses

- A 7 year snapshot of the proportion of residents who do any cycling, at least once per month
- The proportion of residents who do any walking or cycling, at least once per month
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who cycle (any length or purpose)
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who walk (any length or purpose)

Analysis User Guide

Unitary Analyses

- A 7 year snapshot of the proportion of residents who do any cycling, at least once per month
- The proportion of residents who do any walking or cycling, at least once per month
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who cycle (any length or purpose)
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who walk (any length or purpose)

Analysis User Guide

County Analyses

- A 7 year snapshot of the proportion of residents who do any cycling, at least once per month
- The proportion of residents who do any walking or cycling, at least once per month
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who cycle (any length or purpose)
- A variety of indicators showing the proportion of residents who walk (any length or purpose)

Analysis User Guide



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